Rating with AI-Driven Insights

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VAIR (Visually Assessed International Rating)

Our Philosophy

Unify the sport with innovation.

VAIR employs cutting-edge visual testing with AI intelligence to connect players with level-based play, leagues, teams, and analytics to track and improve all player data, culminating in the most precise International rating system currently in existence. No unreliable algorithms involved.

Customized for the swiftly expanding Pickleball Community, which warrants a rating system that aligns with its growth.

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Become a Rater

Passionate about pickleball? Turn your love for the game into a money-making opportunity by becoming a certified VAIR rater. Provide players with visual ratings and AI-driven enhanced evaluations to improve their skills. Join us in shaping the future of pickleball. Get certified, earn money, and help grow the sport with VAIR. Join us now and be a part of pickleball's evolution.


VAIR Community

Eager to bring pickleball to your community or elevate your skills with VAIR? Create a League to compete against the best local players and track the progress. VAIR provides tools for organizing player rankings, training sessions, leagues, and more. Whether you're a beginner or looking for personalized solutions, we have everything you need.

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