For The Ages Tournament

Weekend of September 20th.


Tournament Time

For The Ages

PARTICIPATE in the excitement, the tournament is officially sanctioned by VAIR and will take place at the Nelliston Park in upstate New York!

ADDRESS: 39 Main St E, Palatine Bridge, NY 13428, USA Directions Link

Register Here See All Registered Players

Please note, time, format and other changes are at the discretion of the Tournament Director. Brackets may be consolidated or expanded for court availability, venue modifications, or unforeseen incidents.

We cannot guarantee start or end times so, please do not sign up for this event if you have other commitments. All brackets have a start time of 8am at registration, and should start on respective time slots, but changes can occur once we format the brackets and registration closes.

Please play at your bracket level. This is a non-sanctioned tournament- please register at your VAIR level. Scores will be reported to VAIR post tournament

This is a NO REFUND tournament but will allow credit for a future VAIR tournaments if cancelled prior to 7 days before event starts.

Information, Rules, and Procedures:

Saturday September 20th

3.0 to 3.5 MEN'S DIVISION (8 Teams):

*8:00-11:00 am

3.5 to 4.0 MEN'S DIVISION (8 Teams):

*11:30-2:30 pm

4.0 + MEN'S DIVISION (8 Teams):

*3:00-6:00 pm

Saturday September 20th

2.5 to 3.0 WOMEN'S DIVISION (8 Teams):

*8:00-11:00 am

3.0 to 3.5 WOMEN'S DIVISION (8 Teams):

*11:30-2:30 pm

3.5 to 4.0 WOMEN'S DIVISION (8 Teams):

*3:00-6:00 pm

RAIN DATE: Sunday September 21st.

Sign-up Deadline: The tournament sign-up deadline is 20 days before the event date. Sign up here on VAIR website. Sign-up by August 1st to be sure to get a tournament shirt.

Tournament Fee: $40 per player Limited to 8 teams per skill level bracket.

Match Format: Each group plays all games to 11 points, win by 1 point. All brackets play Rounds Robin style brackets unless otherwise stated above. You do NOT need to win by two points so the maximum score in any one game is 11 points.

Match Outcomes:  Match outcomes are determined solely by each team’s total number of points scored in all games.

Playoffs: Top four teams go to playoffs.  All games to 11 points, win by 1 point. Teams finish winning Gold, Silver or Bronze medals and 4th place runner up.

How are we ranked:  Every point counts

1. Points won
2. Head to head
3. Points won/loss %

First Serve: The North side always serves first. The team that starts serving is determined either by a game of rock, paper, scissors or by selecting a number written on the back of the score card.

Cancellations: If you are scheduled to play and a last-minute emergency or injury will keep you from participating, please notify the Tournament Ambassador IMMEDIATELY by text. The Ambassador will try to recruit a substitute.

*The timing of events and possible dates may vary based on weather conditions and the number of participants signed up for the competitions. Your flexibility in this matter is greatly appreciated.

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